AIIC Italy
AIIC Italy -

Inside AIIC

AIIC is a noT-FOR-profit organisation funded solely by the dues of its 3000+ members, with a governance structure designed to give a voice to each of them

The Assembly, comprising all members of the Association, is AIIC’s supreme statutory body. It meets once every three years. It defines the Association’s general policy, elects members of the Executive Committee (ExCo) and Assembly Committees, and approves the financial framework of accounts.

ExCo is the ultimate authority between Assemblies, to which it reports. The committee includes the President, five Vice Presidents, and the Treasurer, and is responsible for implementing Assembly decisions as well as managing and representing the Association. The AIIC Secretariat; an Executive Secretary and administrative staff carries out the Association’s day-to-day operations.

ExCo works closely with the Advisory Board, AIIC’s consultative body, which relays the opinions and concerns raised by members in AIIC’s regions and other constituencies.




Photo: Elenarts /iStockphoto