AIIC Italy
AIIC Italy -

Membership of the International Association of Conference Interpreters is a sign of professional excellence, demonstrating to potential employers that you meet the highest standards of professional skills and ethics. 

Membership is open to all conference interpreters who share our values and commitment to maintaining the highest professional standards, so what are you waiting for? Start the process today by asking members who have worked with you to sponsor your application. 

Types of Affiliation

Active Members

Professional conference interpreters who can demonstrate their experience, skills and commitment to professional standards. Active members have been sponsored by their peers and exercise their voting rights to determine the direction the Association takes.

Become an active member of AIIC

Associate Members

Former Active Members who are no longer working full time as conference interpreters. Associate members do not have voting rights, but may request to become active members again.


Pre-candidates work as professional conference interpreters but have not yet worked the necessary number of days or found sufficient sponsors for membership application. They may participate in events and training workshops. Pre-candidacy may last for up to 5 years.

Become an AIIC pre-candidate