AIIC Italy
AIIC Italy -

Deed of Constitution of AIIC Italia

Of the “Associazione Italiana Interpreti di Conferenza Italia” [Italian Association of Conference Interpreters, Italy] 

This day, the 5th of March 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in Rome, Vie Tirso 90, in the offices of Dott. Giampiero Piantella the following persons gathered to form a non-profit Association:

Farrell Peter Christopher, nato negli Stati Uniti D’America il 20/09/1946, residente in Ladispoli (RM), Via Diana n. 11, codice fiscale FRRPTR46P20Z404S;

Francia Giovanna, born in Bologna on the 24/09/1948, resident in Rome, Via Rasella 155, tax code FRN GNN 48P64 A944C;

Malentacchi Luisa, born in Subbiano (AR) on the 02/06/1964, resident in Roma, Via Giacinto Gigante 15, tax code MLN LSU 64H42 I991T;

Marrone Stefano, born in Terni on the 16/08/1957, resident in Rome, Via Sannio 65, tax code MRR SFN 57M16 L117O;

Petrelli Maria Laura, born in Rome on the 06/02/1943, resident in Rome, Via Amerigo Vespucci  57, tax code PTR MLR 43B46 H501K. 
Those in attendance called upon Peter Christopher Farrell to chair the meeting, who in turn appointed Giovanna Francia as secretary of the meeting.

The Chairman, after having set out the reasons that led those in attendance to make themselves the promotors of the Association’s establishment, read out the Articles of Association, which after wide-ranging discussions, was put to the vote and unanimously approved.

Those present further resolved that the association be called “Associazione Italiana Interpreti di Conferenza Italia” [Italian Association of Conference Interpreters, Italy], abbreviated as “AIIC Italia” [AIIC Italy] with its registered office in Rome, Via Tirso 90, care of the offices of Dott. Giampiero Piantella.

I presenti deliberano inoltre che l’Associazione venga denominata “Associazione Italiana Interpreti di Conferenza Italia”, in breve “ AIIC Italia” con sede in Roma, Via Tirso n. 90, presso lo studio del dott. Giampiero Piantella.

As there was nothing left to decide, the Chairman closed the Meeting.

The Secretary The Chairman 


Ms. ___________________________
Ms. ___________________________
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Ms. ___________________________

The Articles of Association are attached (SCHEDULE A) and form part of the whole of the present Deed.